Detalii despre spot

Spotter BrickShark
Vazut in Belgrade, Serbia
Data 2024-04-02 09:57

Cool spec. My second yellow GT3.


Camera model Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XSi
Aperture f/5.6
Shutterspeed 1/1250 sec.
Focal length 51.0 mm

Detalii auto

Viteza maxima 318 KM/H
Acceleratie 0-100 KM/H 3.40 s
Putere 510 HP
Cuplu 470 Nm @ 6100 RPM
Greutate 1510 kg

Comentarii la acest spot

  1. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  la 11:37

    Beautiful car and spec! Amazing looking car,did you see my cool upload from yesterday?

  2. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  la 12:20

    Thank you! I saw, but forgot to comment. I will comment soon. @ST22HTV

  3. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ci x if rhnrgbe  -  la 20:14

    Stunning colour 😍

  4. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  la 20:57

    Lovely in yellow!

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  -  la 01:37

    Awesome spec on this one, great spot!

  6. Profile pic
    SERBIA Ds cars photography  -  la 10:16

    Amazing spot!

  7. Profile pic
    SERBIA BrickShark  -  la 10:21

    Thank you guys! [@ci x if rhnrgbe] [@Ds cars photography] @tk97 [@JACK888 Turin Spotter]

  8. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  la 18:14

    So cool!!

  9. Acest lucru nu este ok

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