Detalii despre spot

Spotter Official_best_supercar
Vazut in Modena, Italy
Data 2025-02-03 00:01


Camera model SM-A505FN
Aperture 1.7
Shutterspeed 1
Focal length 3.9 mm

Detalii auto

Viteza maxima 340 km/h
Acceleratie 0-100 km/h 2.85 s
Putere 830 hp
Cuplu 682 Nm @ 9500 rpm
Greutate 1487 kg

Comentarii la acest spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS theviking  -  la 14:55

    This is a 812 competzione, much more rare!
    Cool spot

  2. Profile pic
    ITALY Official_best_supercar  -  la 15:02

    I reported the error, I'm waiting for it to be fixed
    Inserting the license plate gave me the wrong model

  3. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS De Friezen Crew  -  la 16:48


  4. Profile pic
    FRANCE cross74  -  la 19:12

    Cool !

  5. Acest lucru nu este ok

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